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- The following is a letter from UFO investigator Bob Oechsler to the
- President of the United States. A response from Keith Eastin,
- Assistant Secretary of the Navy, is also shown, as are letters from
- Congressman McMillen and Senator Sarbanes.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- May 9, 1988
- The Honorable Ronald Reagan
- The White House
- Washington, D. C. 20500
- Dear Mr. President,
- It is with great trepidation that I report to you my findings
- regarding a series of complex events that have been the subject
- of my investigation for the past several months. While reports
- indicate similar occurrences at other locations around the country,
- my investigation has been focused on the current, and apparently
- continuing, events in the Pensacola, Florida area.
- There is a substantial amount of photographic evidence that
- suggests a multitude of FAA airspace rules violations. Prudent
- investigation suggests that federal agencies including the military
- are not unaware of these extraordinary events. Their reticence
- by policy may be understandable. Inescapable however is the
- excessive amount of portable mobilized radar equipment now
- deployed in the area and publicly reported, photographed and
- acknowledged by military public information officials.
- Local authorities appear technologically powerless to intervene.
- Reports to legal authorities are routinely passed off without action
- to civilian volunteer investigators whose purpose is to evaluate the
- evidence and accounts for authenticity and scientific merit. Nothing
- has been done to investigate, arrest or prosecute the perpetrators
- occurring there. A preponderance of evidence exposes the illegal
- unconsented transportation and detention of adults and children
- in growing numbers. There exists signs of unconsented physical
- violation of the human body of an apparently medically motivated
- nature.
- Mr. President, as a deeply concerned citizen of the United States,
- I implore you to mobilize resources at your command. We have the
- technological ability to intervene in theis ILLEGAL INTRUSION AND
- VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. It would be my most profound
- contribution to provide you with the evidence that has been
- amassed and the scientific representatives to assist in consultation
- on these matters.
- Very truly yours,
- Robert L. Oechsler
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- June 7, 1988
- Dear Mr. Oechsler:
- Thank you for your letter of 9 May to President Reagan
- concerning your investigation on the violations of Federal
- Aviation Administration airspace rules at Naval Air Station,
- Pensacola, Florida. I am answering on the President's behalf.
- I appreciate the concern and motivation which prompted
- you to write the President. To be of assistance, I am forwarding
- your letter to appropriate officials at the Naval Facilities
- Engineering Command for response. You can expect a follow-up
- reply in the near future.
- Again, thank you for writing to the President.
- Sincerely,
- Deith E. Eastin
- Principal Deputy
- Assistant Secretary of the Navy
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- May 31, 1988
- Dear Mr. Oechsler:
- Thank you for your letter and information regarding human
- rights violations.
- I have forwarded a copy of the material to the Director of
- Congressional Affairs at NASA. I have asked him to respond to
- you directly.
- I appreciate hearing from you, and look forward to a response.
- Sincerely,
- Tom McMillen
- House of Representatives
- Washington, D. C.
- 4th District, Maryland
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
- June 20, 1988
- Dear Mr. Oechsler:
- Thank you for contacting me to forward materials concerning
- phenomena involving airspace in Pensacola, Florida. While I know
- of no Congressional investigation of these events, I have taken the
- liberty of forwarding your documentation to Mr. Howard J. Hoffman,
- another constituent who has contacted my office as a UFO researcher
- and who would undoubtedly be interested in this case. I hope this
- contact will be helpful to you. Please do not hesitate to let me
- know if I might be of any further assistance.
- With best regards,
- Sincerely,
- Paul S. Sarbanes
- United States Senator